GARDUMELI – gourmet snacks for everybody!

Our capacity is 1500 tonnes of processed produce per year.
We have business partners in 8 EU countries.
95 percent of our products are exported abroad.


The Company got the "Label Rouge" certificate. It is a sign of exclusive quality production granted French Ministry of Agriculture. 


A new packing line, that enhanced possibilities of packing all production (snails, mushrooms and berries) even more. The mentioned year featured installation of packages washing equipment, allowing to keep higher level of cleaning and decrease amounts of manual work.  


The additional support from the EU allowed to mount a specialized laboratory for production quality monitoring and guarantee. The lab is adapted for creating and testing new products and recipes as well.


Ventilation and cooling equipment was modernized by installing the new-age monitoring and surveillance system thus allowing the Company to increase amounts of freezing production significantly up to 30 tonnes per day, also to provide freezing services.


The Company started an important modernization process of its industrial premises by installing modern ventilation and cooling system for the production line, also water filter equipment. The mentioned elements allowed not only to improve production quality control even more, but also to ensure better labour conditions for the personnel.


The Company applied and got EU support according to the specialized agriculture and rural development programme (SAPARD). The funds were used for modernization of berries processing and freezing equipment, thus allowing us to improve the berries production quality and quantity significantly.


A great speed of growth promoted us to transfer production to the fresh premises at Retkoniu street 4 in Vilnius. We have bee using this address for now as well.


We founded the joint Lithuanian-German capital Company. Together with the partners we started to prepare high quality products of snails, mushrooms, berries.


The Company started its activity a quarter century ago. We were the Lithuanian pioneers as a private company, which supplied live Burgundy Snails for the customers in the Western Europe.
